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Newsletter HEAL Vol. 1

The first partner meeting

The first partner meeting of the Heal Project was a great succes!

From May 23 - 25, 2022, the first partner meeting of HEAL Project took place. The aim of the partner meeting was to get the project off to a good start, and that we did!
During the meeting, we had many great discussions, and got to start the work with the first intellectual outputs, which is the scoping review and the needs analysis.

During the meeting, we also had our first discussions with the EU reference group to help us keep the European perspective.

We still hope to be able to include mores perspectives in the EU reference group, so please contact us if your organisation is interested.

About the HEAL Project

HEAL Stands for internsHips in futurE hospitALs.

The overall aim of the HEAL project is to contribute to the European Health Policy and protect the health of European citizens. This will be done through the maintenance of a sustanable European health care, by developing high quality teaching of future medical doctors and nurses, making the "Future Hospitals", and their staff, apt to provide high quality care and maximum patient safety in the future.

The specific objective of the HEAL project is to develop, test and propose an innovative framework for high quality internship, that shows the direction for how traditional internships in hospitals can be combined with other innovative learning and teaching methods, that uses e.g. blended learning, peer learning, group work, simulation, online teaching, video training, covert mentoring etc.

The paterners of the HEAL project are: Odense University Hospital (Denmark), University of Southern Denmark (Denmark), German Trias I Pujol Research Institute (Catalonia), Maastricht University (The Netherlands), Haute Ecole Libre Mosane University College (Belgium) and Trinity College Dublin (Ireland).

The Project Plan

The HEAL Project consists of the 5 intellectual outputs shown in the figure.

University of Southern Denmark are lead on the scoping review and will search for international published literature, whilst the other partners wil search for unpublished material from their respective country.

German Trias I Pujol Research Institure are lead on the needs analysis. Each country must facilitate focus group interviews with clinical teachers and students.










What is next?

In August and September, each partner will conduct focus group interviews with students, teachers and clinical co-ordinators in order to assess the needs for future internships, along with this process, we will collect data for the scoping review. The results from the scoping review and the needs analysis will be the knowledge base for the future work with the innovative framework. We will discuss our findings at the coming partner meeting in November this year.