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The HEAL project will show the value of an innovative approach, where learners are actively involved from the very beginning, and will provide practical and evidence based tips and good practice examples, as well as more policy oriented recommendations on how co-creation and internships based on blended learning can become an official part of future education programs for future health care professionals.

The HEAL project will be designed with an action research approach, ensuring a close dialogue and collaboration with the end users, being medicine and nursing students as well as medical doctors and nurses within university hospitals, who have a responsibility for providing practical learning, while the students are in internship. The specific objective of the HEAL project is to develop, test and propose an innovative framework for high quality internship, that shows the direction for how traditional internships in hospitals can be combined with other innovative learning and teaching methods.

The project will be based on a high level of partnership participation, co-creation and inclusion in the decision-making processes, which will increase the partners’ experience of ownership and influence. Involving partners actively in the entire project process increases the perspectives on angles, approaches, views and solution models and thus improve the quality and European dimension of project results.


Read more about the five intellectual outputs