The innovative framework
The third project result is the Innovative Framework (IF), hereafter referred to as ‘The Framework for high quality teaching in hospital internships’. The IF will be developed based on knowledge from the needs analysis and the scoping review. While developing the project, the partnership has discussed how this innovative framework should look like, seen from the partners’ needs and knowledge, and how we imagine that it should function.
We imagine the IF as a generic process model, which will guide the end users (students, teaching staff and coordinators of internships) through an internship process from planning, implementation, assessment and evaluation. The process in the IF is as follows;
- Planning phase; the internship is co-created in an inclusive dialogue between students, teaching staff and the internship coordinator(s); what are the expressed needs from all three groups that the internship needs to respond to.
- Preparation phase; the concrete internship will be prepared by the teaching staff and the coordinator of the internship as a blended learning solution, so that the different activities, learning and teaching methods and the learning objectives are well connected and correspond to each other. The assessment methods and activities will also be described.
- Implementation phase; the students participate actively in the concrete internship and work together with teaching staff and peers as described in the preparation phase.
- Student assessment; the students will be assessed against the learning objectives using the methods and activities that we described in the preparation phase.
- Evaluation of internship; the students, the teaching staff and the internship coordinators evaluate the internship on a general level, in order to learn on a continuous basis and keep improving the way that internships are developed, organized and executed.
We expect the framework will contain the following:
- Methods such as peer learning, simulation, group work and covert mentoring will be presented.
- Pedagogical guidelines for teaching staff and internship coordinator to organize the internship.
- Implementation guidelines that can be used by educational departments in university hospitals as well as medical doctors and nurses being responsible for internships.
- Hands-on planning frameworks and checklists for good preparation and implementation of internships, such as a template to describe learning objectives, objective of the different learning and teaching methods in relation to the learning objectives.
- A shortlist of assessment methods to assess the students learning during the internship.
- An evaluation framework to evaluate the internship in general; its quality, its functioning, its relevance and usefulness.
The framework will be presented as an online toolbox in all participating languages.
Odense University Hospital will coordinate the development of the IF.