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Implementation and evaluation report

The fourth project result is an Implementation and Evaluation Report focusing on the results of the application of the Innovative Framework within the participating hospitals.

The report will touch upon the following factors:

  1. Describing the testing process in each university hospital; where did they start from and where did the end up, how was the process, which activities did they carry out, which experiences and learnings did they get out of the process.

  2. What do the students, teaching staff and internship coordinators think about being part of the process?

  3. What seems to be promoting factors and barriers to work with the Innovative Framework to organize and implement future internships?

  4. Which kind of concrete learning and teaching methods seems to work well and less well?

  5. What do the teaching staff and internship coordinators think about the Innovative Framework as a process model to organize and implement internships?

  6. Conclusion: What does the partnership need to improve within the Innovative Framework to ensure relevance, usefulness and quality?


University of Maastricht will be coordinating the work to obtain this PR.

The following activities will be part of this PR:

  1. Present an evaluation framework and a template for the testing and implementation plan.
    These will be based on knowledge from the needs assessment as well as the scoping review, when the partnership has a systematic overview of the functionality of the different learning and teaching methods, as well as the barriers and promoting factors.

  2. Develop an implementation and testing plan for all partners. Based on the template for the implementation and testing plan, a plan for each partner country is developed, describing more in details how the implementation and testing of the innovative framework will take place.

  3. The evaluation framework will be used to evaluate the process to implement the Innovative Framework as well as its functionality, relevance and quality.

  4. Writing implementation and evaluation reports. Each partner will write an implementation and evaluation report, based on the common reporting template, which will be gathered into a European report by the PR lead.

Final evaluation report:

Click here to open the report